From Housing Scheme to Hi-Tech Village – How Hamara Chakwal is Changing the Scene
The green and lush hills of Hamara Chakwal are home to a number of villages. Each village has its own character, culture, and food. Some have narrow alleys while others have large marketplaces where they sell their agricultural produce. Hamara Chakwal is a large and prosperous town located in the district of Chakwal. It is famous for its Green Salt Rice and several other agriculture-based business ventures. The name ‘Hamara’ means small or cottage in Dari. In other words, this place is also known as the Hamal Chakwal due to its many small villages clustered together. But things have changed now! Read on to know more about how this small town is transforming from a sleepy hamlet into a high-tech, dynamic hub for entrepreneurship and innovation!
Why is Hamara Chakwal so successful?
There are a number of reasons why Hamal Chakwal, also called the Chakwal way of life, is so successful. Companies are attracted to the low cost of doing business and the confidence that comes with it. Companies want to set up their businesses in a place where they can easily find skilled workers, an educated population, and a good infrastructure. Hamal Chakwal is an ideal location for this.
How Hamara Chakwal has changed in recent years
Change is part of life and one of the many things that shape a place is how it changes with time. In the olden days, every hamal had a village headman who was the de-facto village chief. If a hamal became too big, it was necessary to split it up into smaller hamals. This was the process of decentralization where the heads of the smaller hamals became the village chiefs. This is not the case anymore! The government has taken this process a step further and established the village level governance in each hamal. The village-level governance is headed by a Village Sarpanch who is assisted by administrative staff and a host of other village-level leaders. Each hamal is now a miniature state with its own legislature and government.
How the government is helping in the transformation of Hamal Chakwal
Having the Hamara Municipality Act, 2000 to transform the Hamal Chakwal into a smart city is one of the major interventions of the government in the transformation of Hamal Chakwal. Another key driver is the National Housing and Infrastructure Development Corporation (NHUDIC), which is now a part of the Housing and Development Board (HDB). The NHUDIC is financing the construction of affordable housing in partnership with the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA) and the National Land Settlement Fund (NLFF). In addition, the NHUDIC has also contributed a lot to the transformation of Hamara Chakwal through its initiative, ‘Migrate to Pakistan’. A lot of people have migrated to Pakistan in the past few decades due to reasons such as lack of employment, economic insecurity, and religious differences. The NHUDIC has encouraged these people to return to their hometowns. Now, the NHUDIC is assisting these people in making the return journey a success.
Chances of being a success in Hamara Chakwal
In order to be successful in Hamara Chakwal, it is important for an entrepreneur to have a clear idea about what his or her business is about. While most entrepreneurs will have a general idea, it is helpful to get into the nitty-gritty of what will make their business successful. First and foremost is having a vision about what your business is and what it should be. For example, in the case of small trade business, the vision could be about providing some employment to the people, while in the case of a large enterprise, the vision might be about establishing a global brand. It is also helpful to understand your market and your competitors. Understanding your market and the competition is the key to success. You can learn a lot by facing your challenges head-on and succeeding in the end.
Final Words
Even though it may seem like the transformation of Hamara Chakwal has been happening for decades, it is worth noting that the town is only 5 years old. This means that most of the changes that have taken place in the last 5 years have been lightning-quick. Hamara Chakwal is not only a growing city, it is also a bustling metropolis! The future of Hamara Chakwal is very bright and exciting indeed! To get a better understanding of how this can happen, watch the video below!